Legacy, what does it mean?
It is what lingers after we are gone, it is the significance of our lives as it affects others
It is the Karma that we create, the ripple effects of our lives
For some, legacy is just the memory of those we have touched
But for those who have consistently worked for and achieved influence in the lives of others, legacy is essential
This is because the work is not over just because we die, our work is too important to die with us
Who decides this importance?
It is the individual that does the work and those who believe in it
The fact is we are truly all connected, our thoughts matter because thoughts lead to actions and actions have consequences
When I think success is measured in self respect that is a thought that immediately implies that my self respect must be intact before I can respect others.
When I respect the person next to me, she in turn respects me back and the effect of having respect for one another spreads and makes the world a better place. It all starts with a simple thought, success is measured in self respect.
As an artist, it is tempting to think that success is selling well or in acclaim. These things matter because they are more understandable for most people and with out them it is difficult to have lasting influence. But acknowledgement and making money are the means not the end.
An artist is a free thinker and has a role to play in society. It is to explore and discover new ways to think and to see, hear and understand the circumstances of our lives.
These are essential contributions and elevate the artist to the very top of the hierarchy of professions.
“How does one measure success?” It is in the quality of one’s self respect.
As it happens, I see myself through my work. A painting is a mirror and when I look into the painting I see myself. What a curious sight that is! It changes before my eyes. I want it to be resolved so badly, to be the person I am destined to be, but it only teases me. A little insight here, a little illumination there. And when I think now I understand what it is I am supposed to be it flies away and taunts me with how miserable a failure I am again.
But with each iteration, I grow less attached more able to make bigger changes.
Being an artist is hard work, but being an abstract artist is the hardest of all. A painting. That should only take a few hours can go on for decades. It is because it is not just a painting but a person that is being created, and not just one person but by extension all the people my life touches. I am a prototype, an experimental model, someone that is trying to push the envelope. My success is your success. We are in this together.
This is the artist as teacher. We tend to believe what we see. I set an example, I have an insight, I apply that insight to my work, you see it and then you start to believe it too. This is the evolution of thought. It is power, the power to effect change.
Maybe I never finish the painting and maybe being unfinished is a good thing. After all, that is the nature of living things. I am always trying to finish it but it never feels finished. But it is alive. Can you live with it? The answer is a resounding “Yes!”. Living things make good companions.
Well, a painting may be like a person in its layered qualities but does that make it a good painting? Not so fast. Everyone is made up of layers of experience but not everyone is a good person. It takes good ingredients as well as effective manipulations to make an outcome that could be called “good”. To make a good painting or a good person takes a lot of caring and sustained effort. There needs to be an intention to be good in the deepest and most meaningful way. Little by little over the course of a lifetime the quality becomes evident. Artists need to live a long time because it is such a difficult task to make one’s self a great work of art.
And then we die. Now we can talk about legacy. There are over seven billion people on the planet. What difference is one? Not to be overly simplistic, but all journeys begin with one step, all change has to start somewhere. Why not here with me? Let my life and my work be a light.
We all agree the world is a beautiful place but is getting messed up badly because there are too many people acting stupidly. There needs to be a change of consciousness. The best way to change others is to change ourselves. How can this be? It is a fact that all people, all beings have a common consciousness at some level. We have common ancestors, we are related genetically. We really are more alike than we are different. But mostly, it is a belief that our lives matter. This is the hardest part and why I said that success is measured in self respect. I am the embodiment of my art, my work cannot succeed until I succeed. Making art is the tool for self discovery. It is a secret that good artists understand all too well. Great artists are so present in their work that they can be felt as alive and well even when they have been gone for centuries. This is legacy. It is the meaningfulness of the work.
Being meaningful is mostly a matter of intention, the goal of being fully present in the work. Content matters, but so does technique, mastery of media and style. Perhaps the hardest part of using art as a mirror is keeping the surface of the mirror clean. Multiple layers of paint can just look cluttered and busy. It is why so many amateur artist’s work looks dark. They may be getting depth but are loosing clarity. The meaning of the work is lost in the mess.
Something like watercolor is a good discipline for learning to stay focused. It is a very linear process. Without white paint, the surface only gets more opaque. Lights must be preserved from the white of the paper. And although other media like oils and acrylics can be made light with white paint ultimately, the work can only be resolved when the intention of the work is understood. This is why I like working in different media, I learn different lessons which give me deeper insights into the art making process as a whole.
Art is really philosophy. It is a way of understanding who I am and what role I am playing in this time and place. Perhaps, this thought is my legacy.

Soft Touch 1/3
30×40 mm on canvas
Burn brightly George!
You have lighted all of our paths.
A legacy is a ripple in very large pond where one ripple becomes many.